Progress Window
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The progress windows allows you to monitor and control any ongoing background file operation. The types of operations that can be run in the background and viewed in the Progress window include, but is not limited to, copying, moving and deleting files.

The window can configured to two different modes to reflect your need, Compact or Normal.


In this mode the window uses little screen estate while in many cases still giving sufficient progress information.

·An icon will appear in the upper left area indicating the type of operation (Copy, Move etc).  

·The filename of the file being currently copied is displayed.  

·The progress bar show how much of the total operation is done.  

·The operation drop down allow you to select for which operation you want to view progress.  

·Clicking on Abort will stop the operation being displayed.  

·The Settings menu let you switch between the different modes, or hide or minimize the window. You may reopen a hidden window by selecting it from the View menu.  


In Normal mode the window, shown below, has two progress bars. The first displays the progress for the current file being processed, and the second show the progress of the total operation. If you have turned on additional progress information in the Preferences you may also see the speed of the transfer, given in kilobytes per second, and the time remaining.

The Progress Window in normal mode

The Normal mode gives you complete control of the operations and enable you to schedule any queue of operations that you have from the Queue Schedule tab. The tab gives you and overview of all the jobs in the queue, and the possibility to play, pause or abort any job.

Note: Please note that a FTP operation cannot be paused for a long while without getting aborted.